What Causes Skinny Fat?

What Causes Skinny Fat?
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Do a Google search and it will tell you that skinny fat is caused by poor diet and exercise where muscle tissue is lost and somehow becomes skinny fat. Never mind that it is 100% an undisputed scientific/medical fact that muscle tissue cannot (1, 2, 3) turn into any kind of fat tissue, or vice versa. So, what causes skinny fat?

The following is a summary of conversations with Research Participant 933 who is experiencing skinny fat tissue (4) — thin fat and cellulite.

Research Participant 933 Thin Fat & Cellulite Before and After Weight Loss - What Causes Skinny Fat?

Research Participant 933 – What Causes Skinny Fat?

RP 933 (5)

Generation: Millennial

Skinny Fat Tissue: Thin Fat and Cellulite

Notes: Participated in the Scientific Weight Loss Challenge

RP 933 Back - Standard Body Type One

RP 933: Where is all the muscle I am supposed to have? My genetics suck.

Scientist: Genetics are tricky. At what age did you first notice that easily gaining regular white/yellow fat (common body fat/adipose tissue) was a problem?

RP 933: Not until around the age of 25.

Scientist: How active were you with exercise and other activity before that? Is obesity common in your family?

RP 933: I was very active before then, with sports and exercise, and life. But I took an office job. I would say that obesity is somewhat common in my family.

Scientist: Where do you have the strongest tendency to put on regular fat weight?

RP 933: I would say my upper legs – front thighs, inner thighs, back thighs, and outer thighs – along with buttocks, upper back, and lower back.

Scientist: And where do you think you are experiencing skinny fat tissue?

RP 933: On my upper legs – front thighs, inner thighs, back thighs, and outer thighs – as well as buttocks, waist, hips, lower belly and belly, upper back, and lower back.

Scientist: So, a lot of overlap between the two.

RP 933: Sure.

Scientist: But do you see the correlation?

RP 933: You mean where I have skinny fat tissue I am more likely to gain regular fat?

Scientist: Yes.

RP 933: Never thought about until now, but, yeah, that makes sense.

Scientist: The more active you are, and the younger you are, the stronger your metabolism. As you hit roughly the age of 20, your metabolism plateaued. As you became less active, things started to become more of a problem.

RP 933: So what do I do?


Understand Your Unique Genetic Body Composition Along With Diet, Exercise, and Lifestyle


Scientist: For starters, congratulations on losing 11 pounds and getting within safe BMI at 24.0.

RP 933: Little good it did. Google says that skinny fat is just as bad as being overweight or obese.

Scientist: Google says a lot of things that are not true. Many elite NFL linemen and other players who are in the best shape of their lives are experiencing skinny fat. It is very possible to be experiencing skinny fat and be fit and healthy.

Varied NFL Players, Offensive Lineman with Skinny Fat - What Does Skinny Fat Look Like?
Men’s Health

RP 933: Ok, but if genetics is what causes skinny fat, then what can I do about it?

Scientist: You can reduce it as much as possible.

RP 933: How?

Scientist: There are three ways – properly add muscle mass, safely lose regular fat, and/or pay for a few FDA-approved methods.

RP 933: But I heard on social media that eating more protein fixes skinny fat. You don’t even have to lift weights.

Scientist: You believe that is true? How would that work?

RP 933: Yes. Maybe. I don’t know, you’re the scientist.

Scientist: If you don’t know, why do you believe it is true?

RP 933: It is not true?

Scientist: What that is claiming is that protein can magically turn fat tissue into muscle tissue.

RP 933: Oh. So how do I fix my skinny fat?

Scientist: Add muscle mass.

RP 933: How much?

Scientist: It really depends on how much genetic skinny fat tissue you are experiencing and your personal goals. But if you are unsure, then shoot for looking like a Standard Body Type One (BT1).

What Causes Skinny Fat - Standard Body Type One (BT1)


What Causes Skinny Fat – Genetics


RP 933: That will take me forever. When I am done, my skinny fat will be permanently fixed?

Scientist: No, you will have to maintain any muscle mass you add for the rest of your life.

RP 933: I still don’t understand. What do I do?

Scientist: You have to find what is best for you and your unique genetic body composition, relative to current health science. Find a healthy amount of exercise that you are truly willing to do — that is sustainable for you and your life. The current science says that weekly 150 minutes (up to 300 minutes) of moderate-intensity cardio, or 75 minutes (up to 150 minutes) of intense cardio exercise along with 150 minutes (up to 300 minutes) of moderate-intensity resistance exercise like weightlifting, or 75 minutes (up to 150 minutes) of intense resistance exercise, is best.

RP 933: And what about diet?

Scientist: Eat clean, whole food rich in high-quality protein, fats, and fiber carbs – a low-carb diet works well for many people, between 50 and 150 grams or so of fiber-focused carbs. Around 37 grams of fiber-focused carbs for acute regular fat weight loss. Keep sugar and starch carbs to a minimum. Avoid fast, junk, and processed foods. Drink plenty of clean water.

RP 933: Anything else?

Scientist: Get enough quality sleep and keep stress to a minimum. Find a hobby you enjoy.

RP 933: And I will still be experiencing skinny fat, but healthy?

Scientist: Barring any other genetic or lifestyle issues, yes.


Am I Skinny Fat – Scientific Body Type Quiz

Utilizing the latest science, the Scientific Body Type Quiz helps you understand your unique body composition by scientifically calculating your specific metrics to determine if you are experiencing skinny fat tissue and where on your body.

Along with the other Scientific Health Quizzes — Scientific Metabolism Quiz Health Score, Scientific Diet Quiz Health Score, Scientific Exercise Quiz Health Score, and Scientific Lifestyle Quiz Health Score — you can accurately figure out what is best for you. Accounts are free, private, secure, and anonymous. Free options are available.

Scientific Health Quizzes


  1. Healthline: Does Fat Turn into Muscle? What to Know, March 2, 2021, Katey Davidson, MScFN, RD, CPT (Medically reviewed by Jake Tipane, CPT). https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/does-fat-turn-into-muscle
  2. NIH, National Library of Medicine: Muscle-to-fat interaction: a two-way street?, January 1, 2010, Bente K Pedersen. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC2821541/
  3. The New York Times: The Claim: Muscle Turns to Fat When You Stop Working Out, July 26, 2006, Anahad O’Connor. https://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/26/health/nutrition/the-claim-muscle-turns-to-fat-when-you-stop-working-out.html
  4. Skinny Fat Science: What Is Skinny Fat?, July 26, 2024. https://skinnyfat.fellowone.com/skinny-fat-science/what-is-skinny-fat/
  5. Fellow One Research: Body Type Test (Quiz) Results 933 – Body Type Two (BT2) Female (Woman), Millennial (Generation Y). https://www.fellowone.com/fellow-one-research/the-four-body-types/body-type-quiz/body-type-test-quiz-results-933-body-type-two-bt2-female-woman-millennial-generation-y/

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