How Long to Get Rid of Skinny Fat?

How Long to Get Rid of Skinny Fat?
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The following article summarizes conversations with Research Participant 1053 who is experiencing genetic skinny fat tissue (thin fat, cellulite)(1) before and after safe regular white/yellow body fat (common adipose tissue) weight loss. Like many people, they are interested in understanding how long it takes to get rid of skinny fat, and the best ways to do so.

Be sure to read my article What Is Skinny Fat? (thoroughly scientifically referenced)(1) before you continue reading the discourse below.

Research Participant 1053 (RP 1053) – How Long to Get Rid of Skinny Fat?

RP 1053 (2)

Generation: Millennial

Skinny Fat Tissue: Thin Fat and Cellulite

Notes: Participated in the Scientific Weight Loss Challenge


RP 1053: I have never had all the muscle tissue that a Standard Body Type One (BT1) (3) has. Since birth.

Standard Body Type One (BT1) - All 600+ Muscles Developed

I keep hearing people on social media – fitness trainers, doctors, and other professionals – talking about how poor diet and exercise lead to muscle tissue loss which causes skinny fat. But, look at my images, before and after weight loss.

RP 1053 Before and After Regular Fat Weight Loss - How Long to Get Rid of Skinny Fat (Cellulite, Thin Fat)?

I did not have all the Standard BT1 muscle tissue when I was obese at BMI 32.1. I do not have it now at an overweight BMI of 26.3. When I lose even more weight and get within safe BMI, will all the genetic muscle tissue that I am supposed to have appear then? How long will it take for me to get rid of my skinny fat and what do I have to do?

Scientist: Lucid observations. You are right, your images at BMI 32.1 show a lack of genetic default muscle tissue and obvious skinny fat tissue (thin fat, cellulite). You stated that your, “obesity problems started in my life between age 20 and age 24” and you typically put on regular white/yellow fat weight on your, “upper leg/front thighs, upper leg/inner thighs, upper leg/back thighs, upper leg/outer thighs, buttocks, lower midriff/waist/hips, midriff/abdomen/belly, upper midriff/diaphragm, upper chest/pectoral/breast, shoulders, upper arms/front/biceps, upper arms/back/triceps, inner upper arms/under arms, front elbows, back elbows, outer lower arms, inner lower arms, upper back, middle back, lower back, lower side trunk/love handles, upper side trunk, neck, face:” Correct?

RP 1053: Yes.

Scientist: You also stated that you are certain that you never had all the Standard BT1 muscle tissue, from birth. Why do you think obesity became such a problem starting around 20 years old?

RP 1053: Diet. I ate much more healthier when I was at home. Out on my own up until now, I began eating way more unhealthy fast, junk, and processed food, leaving my body nutritionally starved. I don’t exercise enough. And my sleep is lacking and poor quality and I am living with too much stress.


Unique Genetic Body Composition and Metabolism Matter


Scientist: But, until this weight loss challenge, you did not really consider unique genetic body composition, true?

How Long to Get Rid of Skinny Fat - Genetics/DNA
Image by Elias from Pixabay

RP 1053: True. I have always been told that genetics is an excuse.

Scientist: And now that you have seen the latest skinny fat science research, do you still think genetics is an excuse?

RP 1053: No. Where is all the genetic muscle tissue I am supposed to have? That I never had, as far back as I can remember. That my parents don’t recall, ever.

Scientist: You said that “obesity is somewhat/questionably common in my family.” Is skinny fat tissue also common?

RP 1053: Until now, I did not know skinny fat was real tissue. But, after speaking with family members and reviewing old photos, yes, I do think skinny fat tissue is at least somewhat common in my family.

Scientist: Like all human beings, your metabolism peaks when you are an infant and gradually declines until it plateaus around age 20. As it slows, your Standard BMR calories also gradually decrease. The more skinny fat tissue you have, the slower your metabolism and the more prone you are to being overweight or obese. This is why people experiencing skinny fat tissue can be thin when they are younger, and then begin experiencing more problems with being overweight or obese.

RP 1053: Makes sense. How can I and my family members get rid of skinny fat and how long will it take?


How Long to Get Rid of Skinny Fat?


Scientist: Tough questions. You are experiencing a lot of skinny fat tissue. Continue safely losing regular white/yellow fat to get down within safe BMI, preferably to mid-range around 22 BMI. At the same time, you need to add muscle mass through resistance exercises like weightlifting.

RP 1053: What kind of weightlifting exercises?

Scientist: Focus on exercises that target all the areas where you are experiencing skinny fat tissue.

RP 1053: But, that is like everywhere.

Scientist: It is widespread across your body. But that is what you have to do.

Hourglass - How Long to Get Rid of Skinny Fat?
Image by David Clode from Pixabay

RP 1053: How long will that take, and once I am done it fixes my skinny fat for good?

Scientist: How long depends on you. Each person’s genetic body composition is uniquely theirs. How hard you work, how much muscle mass you want to add, and your diet, cardio exercise, and lifestyle (sleep, stress, etc.) all matter and affect how long it will take.

RP 1053: There is no way to know how long?

Scientist: No, there is no scientific way to determine how long, regardless of what anyone tells you.

RP 1053: Ok, but, once I am done adding muscle mass then the skinny fat will be gone, for good?

Scientist: Unfortunately, no. You will have to diligently maintain any added muscle mass for the rest of your life, just as you will have to properly manage your diet, exercise, and lifestyle to keep the regular fat in check.

RP 1053: Really? There is no way to permanently get rid of skinny fat?

Scientist: Like most influencers and social media people, I could lie to you and tell you what you want to hear. But, as a scientist, I just cannot do that. There is a reason why there are zero (0) FDA-approved ways to get rid of any type of skinny fat. Because, at this time, it is not possible. You can only reduce it by adding muscle mass, safely losing regular fat, and/or paying for a few FDA-approved ways. The good news is, genetic science is making huge strides and the time will come when technologies like CRISPR will be able to help.

RP 1053: That is it?

Scientist: That is it. Although the Scientific Health Quizzes can help.


Scientific Health Quizzes – How Do I Know If I Am Skinny Fat?


RP 1053: How?

Scientist: The Scientific Health Quizzes use the latest science to accurately determine your unique genetic body composition, metabolism, diet, exercise, and lifestyle health to help you safely, sustainably, and successfully add muscle mass and lose regular fat while keeping it off and reducing skinny fat.

Scientific Health Quizzes - Scientific Metabolism Quiz Health Score, Scientific Diet Quiz Health Score, Scientific Exercise Quiz Health Score, Scientific Lifestyle Quiz Health Score, and Scientific Body Type Quiz (Official)
Scientific Health Quizzes – Scientific Metabolism Quiz Health Score, Scientific Diet Quiz Health Score, Scientific Exercise Quiz Health Score, Scientific Lifestyle Quiz Health Score, and Scientific Body Type Quiz (Official)

RP 1053: The Scientific Body Type Quiz was very helpful, the other quizzes were not available when I tried to take them. Are they free?

Scientist: There are free options, and yes, we are working as fast as we can to get all the scientific quizzes live.

RP 1053: Ok, I will check them out. Thank you.


Skinny Fat Love Handles

  1. Skinny Fat Science: What Is Skinny Fat?, July 26, 2024.
  2. Fellow One Research: Body Type Test (Quiz) Results 1053 – Body Type Four (BT4) Female (Woman), Millennial (Generation Y).
  3. Britannica: human muscle system, Shane W. Cummings and Robin Huw Crompton (Fact-checked by the Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica.

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