How Do You Get Rid of Skinny Fat?

How DO you get rid of skinny fat? And how long does it take to do so? These summary conversations with Research Participants experiencing skinny fat explain their unique genetic body composition (from birth) and how regular fat weight loss and gain, dieting, and exercise, no less, have affected things, especially skinny fat and muscle.
Before you read the below, be sure to read my article What Is Skinny Fat? (thoroughly scientifically referenced)(1) so what you read below makes sense, according to the latest evolving science.
Research Participant 1170 (RP 1170) – How Do You Get Rid of Skinny Fat?
RP 1170 (2)
Generation: Z
Skinny Fat Tissue: Thin Fat and Cellulite
Notes: Participated in the Scientific Weight Loss Challenge
RP 1170: Why am I still experiencing skinny fat tissue, both cellulite and thin fat, when I am at the lower end of a healthy BMI at 21.3? I had the same skinny fat tissue when I was at BMI 24.6 and BMI 25.4. As far as I can remember, I always had thin fat and cellulite. How do you get rid of skinny fat (AKA skinny fat syndrome)?
Scientist: You also stated that your “obesity problems started in my life between age 11 and age 15,” correct?
RP 1170: Yes.
Scientist: As well, you stated that when you put regular fat — common white/yellow body fat — weight on your body it is most likely on your “upper leg/front thighs, upper leg/inner thighs, upper leg/outer thighs, buttocks, lower midriff/waist/hips, upper chest/pectoral/breast, shoulders, upper back, middle back, lower back, lower side trunk/love handles”? If that is correct, has it always been true, as far as you can remember?
RP 1170: Yes.
Scientist: So, then, is it fair to say that, since birth, you have lacked genetic default muscle tissue in all those same areas, and where you should have genetic default muscle tissue, instead you have skinny fat tissue, thin fat and cellulite?
RP 1170: Maybe the muscle was there and went away for some reason and became skinny fat?
Muscle Tissue Cannot Turn Into Fat Tissue, Or Vice Versa
Scientist: Well, no process exists in the human body that would cause that to happen. That is 100% not how human tissue works. Muscle tissue does not become fat tissue — no amount of semantics or wordplay changes this fact. If that is true — that lost muscle tissue turns into any kind of fat tissue or skinny fat tissue, and vice versa — then it would apply to 100% all human beings. Not just some or a select few.
For example, see how Christian Bale — genetically blessed with a Standard Body Type One (BT1)(3) — lost a lot of weight including obvious muscle tissue. See the clear muscle definition including 6-pack abs, even when emaciated. Yet, he has no discernable skinny fat tissue thanks to his genetics.
RP 1170: What you are saying is that I was born with skinny fat tissue, thin fat and cellulite, where genetically I should have muscle tissue?
Scientist: Yes. And the less genetic default muscle tissue you have, the more skinny fat tissue you have. The more skinny fat tissue you have, the more prone you are to being overweight or obese.
RP 1170: Ok, how do you get rid of skinny fat?
Scientist: How do you change your skin color?
RP 1170: What? I can’t.
Scientist: Right, you cannot. Just as you — all human beings — cannot naturally, permanently change your genetic hair color, eye color, hand/feet size, genital size, breast size, facial features, or body composition, no less, thanks to your genetics.
RP 1170: No, I can change my body composition if I lift weights and lose fat.
Body Recomp – How Do You Get Rid of Skinny Fat?
Scientist: Yes, you 100% can, and done right it can be healthy. But, adding muscle mass is not permanent. Just as losing regular white/yellow body fat (common adipose tissue) is not permanent. You will have to maintain any added muscle mass for the rest of your life. And you will have to maintain a proper cardio exercise routine and diet, consistently and regularly throughout your life, especially the more skinny fat tissue you are experiencing. Perhaps most importantly, you are NOT magically turning genetic default skinny fat tissue into muscle tissue, or vice versa – no amount of protein or weight lifting or the like changes this fact.
RP 1170: Oh. But I heard I can starve away my skinny fat if I get to a low enough BMI.
Scientist: Wrong. Starving causes muscle tissue loss and makes any existing skinny fat worse. Not to mention slowing your metabolism, as the science now clearly shows. Along with all the other health problems that come with inappropriate starvation diets. More to the point, you can technically lose 100% of your regular white/yellow body fat, yet any skinny fat tissue will remain.
RP 1170: Really. There are no other options to get rid of skinny fat?
Scientist: The FDA has approved multiple options, all of which reduce the appearance of skinny fat. But none permanently get rid of it. There is no scientifically known way to permanently get rid of skinny fat, at this time. And because skinny fat is unique genetic tissue, it will take the intervention of genetic science to truly help.
RP 1170: Ahhh, please just tell me, how do you get rid of skinny fat!
How To Get Rid of Skinny Fat
Scientist: First, understand where on your body you are experiencing skinny fat, and what types (thin fat, cellulite, etc.).
Then, add muscle mass anywhere you are experiencing skinny fat. You can “tone” added muscle bulk. Walk or hike, consistently and regularly. There are many other exercises.
A proper low carb diet helps you lose regular fat weight safely and sustainably which can reduce the appearance of skinny fat while avoiding muscle tissue loss (which makes any existing skinny fat tissue worse and slows metabolism).
All the articles on this website speak to all of that, along with the Scientific Health Quizzes including the Scientific Body Type Quiz. The links are at the top of this page.
You can comment below and ask relevant questions or such.

Research Participant 1053 (RP 1053) – How Long to Get Rid of Skinny Fat?
RP 1053 (4)
Generation: Millennial
Skinny Fat Tissue: Thin Fat and Cellulite
Notes: Participated in the Scientific Weight Loss Challenge
RP 933 (5)
Generation: Millennial
Skinny Fat Tissue: Thin Fat and Cellulite
Notes: Participated in the Scientific Weight Loss Challenge
How Long to Get Rid of Skinny Fat?
- Skinny Fat Science: What Is Skinny Fat?, July 26, 2024.
- Fellow One Research: Body Type Test (Quiz) Results 1170 – Body Type Three (BT3) Female (Woman), Generation Z
- Britannica: human muscle system, Shane W. Cummings and Robin Huw Crompton (Fact-checked by the Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica.
- Fellow One Research: Body Type Test (Quiz) Results 1053 – Body Type Four (BT4) Female (Woman), Millennial (Generation Y)
- Fellow One Research: Body Type Test (Quiz) Results 933 – Body Type Two (BT2) Female (Woman), Millennial (Generation Y).