Can I Have A Skinny Fat Body And Be Fit & Healthy?

Another popular question online, especially on social media, is, “Can I have a skinny fat body and be fit & healthy?” The current grossly misunderstood nature of skinny fat (1, 2) leads to the typical response of, “no, it is not possible to be skinny fat and be fit and healthy.” What does the latest science say?
The latest science (2, 1) clearly shows that skinny fat is unique genetic tissue, thin fat and cellulite, which is different (3, 1, 2) than regular white/yellow fat (body fat/adipose tissue) and body fat percentage (BF% does not include skinny fat tissue). You can technically lose 100% of your regular fat tissue — reaching 0% body fat, although technically 0% (4, 5, 6) is not possible (and not healthy) — yet your skinny fat tissue will remain.
This directly contradicts the inaccurate widespread spiel on Google and from most doctors, medical professionals, personal trainers, and the like that adamantly claim that “A skinny fat body…is when someone has a higher than normal percentage of body fat and a lower than normal lean body mass…” which is caused by poor diet and exercise.
Can I Have A Skinny Fat Body And Be Fit & Healthy?
A skinny fat body is genetic (1, 2, 3); it is not caused by poor diet and exercise nor can it permanently be cured by diet and exercise. For this to be true, it means that muscle tissue turns into skinny fat tissue, and skinny fat tissue turns into muscle tissue. Which is NOT (7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) how human tissue works.
Of course, a skinny fat body is directly influenced by metabolism (13), diet (14), exercise (15), and lifestyle (16) in terms of regular fat weight loss and gain as well as added muscle mass gain or loss.
For example, this 22.7 BMI Ph.D. scientist and professional trainer (Body Type Two/BT2) is subcutaneously experiencing genetic skinny fat tissue (thin fat) on their love handles and lower back, no less:
By scientific/medical definition (2, 3) they have no excess regular fat (BMI 22.7), their body fat % is not high but normal, and they have no dangerous visceral fat (17, 18, 19, 20) — all “key indicators” of skinny fat according to Google along with most doctors, medical professionals, fitness trainers, and such.
Their recent doctor’s report is healthy, as their Scientific Health Quiz results — Body Composition (21), Metabolism (22), Diet (23), and Exercise (24)) — all clearly indicate and support.
Unique Genetic Body Composition and Body Recomposition
Thus, this person, who is undeniably experiencing genetic thin fat skinny fat tissue due to their unique genetic body composition, technically has a “skinny fat body” but is, indeed, healthy and fit.
Although they do not need to, they can reduce their thin fat tissue further through body recomposition — i.e. losing a bit more regular fat tissue down to as low as 18.5 BMI while adding muscle mass tissue to their love handles and lower back, at least.
With enough hard work for the rest of their life diligently and steadfastly maintaining any added muscle mass as well as their regular fat levels, they might be able to successfully maintain those temporary body recomp changes. But those changes are not permanent (1); they did not magically turn their thin fat skinny fat tissue into muscle tissue and cure it forever.
And, remember, many elite NFL linemen (45) are experiencing skinny fat, as is elite three-time NFL Super Bowl champion TE Travis Kelce, (46) and maybe even Taylor Swift (47). Along with an estimated roughly 2/3rds of the population (26).
Genetics – Can I Have A Skinny Fat Body Type And Be Fit & Healthy?
Skinny fat is not (25) a body type. Skinny fat is a main variable (26, 27, 25) in determining genetic scientific body type (21).
Just as genetics is not an excuse. It is 100% an undisputed fact (28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33) at this time that no human being can naturally, permanently change their inherited skin color, eye color, hair color, height, genital size, breast size, facial features, etc. any more than they can their unique genetic body composition. Genetics. And, unlike gene mutations (34, 35, 36, 37, 38) that are permanent, no, epigenetics (39, 40, 41, 42), including body recomposition changes (43), are NOT permanent!!!
The Consequences of Skinny Fat Tissue
That being said, genetics are also not an excuse to be unhealthy (44). The more skinny fat tissue a person is experiencing, the harder they will have to work at their diet, exercise, and lifestyle to be healthy throughout their entire life.
If it were true that a “skinny fat body” cannot be fit or healthy, then that means that anyone experiencing real genetic skinny fat tissue can never be healthy. Which is absurd and 100% scientifically and medically untrue. So, yes, in fact, you can have a skinny fat body and be fit and healthy with proper (14, 15, 16) diet, exercise, and lifestyle choices.
Is Normal Weight Obesity (Skinny Fat) the Same as Sarcopenic Obesity?
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- Fellow One Research: Travis Kelce Physique – Celebrity Body Type Two (BT2), Male.
- Fellow One Research: Taylor Swift Figure – Celebrity Body Type One (BT1), Female.