Cable Twists – Best Skinny Fat Resistance Exercise
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The cable twists skinny fat resistance exercise is one of the best skinny fat resistance exercises. Done correctly, Cable twists help to lose regular white/yellow fat, add muscle mass, and reduce skinny fat on the love handles, lower back, and abdominals, no less.

Exercise Name: Cable Twists

Type: Resistance/Weightlifting

Area(s) of Body: (Core) Love Handles, Lower Back, and Abdominals (1, 2)

Secondary Area(s) of Body: Glutes, Shoulders, Arms, Pectorals (1, 2)

Muscle(s) Affected: Obliques, Rectus Abdominis, Transverse Abdominis (1, 2)

Secondary Muscles Affected: Quadratus Lumborum, Erector Spine, Tensor Fasciae Latae, Gluteus Medius, Gluteus Minimus (anterior fibers), Iliopsoas, Hip Adductors, Psoas Major, Iliocastalis Lumborum, Iliocastalis Thoracis, Rhomboids, Pectoralis Major (sternal), Pectoralis Major (clavicular), Pectoralis Minor, Deltoid (lateral), Deltoid (posterior), Triceps (1, 2)

Equipment: Cable Station

Duration: 4 sets

Reps: 12-15 per set

Add Muscle Mass? Yes

Lose Regular White/Yellow Fat? Yes

Reduce Skinny Fat? Yes

Benefits: Improve Core Strength, Balance, Flexibility, and Posture (1, 2)

Key Points – Cable Twists, Skinny Fat Resistance Exercise (1, 2)

Beginners – be careful to perform it with control – avoid violent twisting which can injure the back.

Breathing – keep it steady and deep, inhaling as you twist and exhaling as you return to baseline.

Arms – keep your arms straight, rotate your torso to the opposite side until the cable makes contact with your shoulder.

Focus – pay attention to and engage your abdominal and back muscles throughout the exercise.

Repeat – return to the original baseline position and repeat, continuing with the opposite side.

Posture – keep your spine straight and avoid slouching or rounding your spine.

Eyes – follow the movement of your hands with your gaze.


“The Best Skinny Fat Resistance Exercises” Cable Twists #fyp #gym #gymtips #workout

♬ original sound – GeorgiosSkinnyFatFitness

Exercise Instructions, Cable Twist (1, 2)

Properly attach the single grip handle to a cable pulley around hip level.

Stand sideways to the cable pulley, just off center and at an angle with feet pointed slightly away from it in a shoulder-width stance.

Grip the handle with your nearest hand and then interlock the other hand with that hand on the handle.

Focus on and tighten your core, then rotate inward and away from the cable machine so that you are facing the opposite direction.

Gracefully allow yourself to return to the baseline starting position while under control by rotating back toward the machine.

Repeat again, rotating yourself inward and away from the cable machine so that you feel your obliques activating/working.

Continue for 4 sets of 12-15 repetitions (reps), and then switch sides, doing 4 more sets of 12-15 reps.


  1. Bodybuilding: Standing cable twist.
  2. Fitness Volt: Master the Cable Twist: Target Your Core & Obliques Effectively, August 11, 2024, Dr. Malik,

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