Before and After Skinny Fat Body

Both of the following research participants are experiencing obvious skinny fat tissue before they safely lost regular white/yellow fat (common body fat/adipose tissue)(1) weight. As well as after safe regular fat weight loss. Neither of them ever had fully developed muscle tissue as per the Standard Body Type One (BT1)(2, 3) with all 600+ muscles developed.
At no point in their lives did they have the fully developed muscle tissue of a Standard BT1 but lose it. Even if they did (they did not), muscle tissue cannot turn (4, 5) into any kind of fat tissue (1), or vice versa. A person experiencing skinny fat tissue where genetically they should have default genetic muscle tissue has had it since birth (3, 4, 5).
Research Participant 1170 – Before and After Skinny Fat Body
Research Participant 1170 started (6) their regular fat weight loss journey within safe BMI at 24.6. The normal weight obesity including thin fat and cellulite skinny fat tissue (3) is clearly evident and widespread across their body..

They safely lost more (7) regular fat weight down to BMI 21.3.
Yet, the normal weight obesity (3) persists as does the same thin fat and cellulite skinny fat tissue (3) in all the same places widespread across their body where genetic default muscle tissue should be, but is not. Genetics. RP 1170 has been experiencing that same skinny fat tissue since birth, thanks to their genetics (4).
Before and After Skinny Fat Body – Research Participant 1053
Research participant 1053 began (8) their regular fat weight efforts at an obese BMI of 32.1. The thin fat and cellulite skinny fat tissue (3) is also obvious and widespread across their body where they should genetically have muscle tissue but do not.
They successfully and safely lost more (8) regular fat weight down to an overweight BMI of 26.3 but the same skinny fat tissue (3) remains in all the same places across their body. The genetic muscle tissue commonly found on a Standard Body Type One (BT1) is not there. And never has been.

At no time in that research participant’s life did they have all 600+ genetic default muscles fully developed as per the Standard Body Type One (BT1). They have had that skinny fat tissue since birth, thanks to their genetics (3, 4, 5).
Loose Skin and Saggy Skin – Before and After Weight Loss

For some people, excess regular fat – especially the more you are experiencing — can cause loose skin and/or saggy skin after weight loss, especially the more regular fat tissue that is lost. Loose skin and saggy skin are technically types of skinny fat – specifically thin fat and/or cellulite that is made worse by excess regular fat.
For instance, this person (9) did the hard work and successfully lost nearly 200 pounds but was rewarded with extreme loose skin and saggy skin. The only option they had to reduce the loose and saggy skin was surgery. You can see that after successful surgery the loose skin and saggy skin are much better, but the skinny fat tissue — thin fat, no less — is still obvious on the stomach and upper legs, at least.

Successful regular fat weight loss along with FDA-approved methods like surgery only reduce skinny fat (5). Just as adding muscle mass only reduces skinny fat (5).
Christian Bale – Genetic Blessed Standard Body Type One (BT1)
In contrast, here is Christian Bale when he lost a significant amount of weight including both regular fat tissue and muscle tissue.
However, even when emaciated the muscle tissue definition is clear and widespread across his body. He has all 600+ muscles fully developed and no indications of skinny fat tissue (3). Genetics.
How To Know If I Am Skinny Fat – Scientific Body Type Quiz
The newly developed Scientific Body Type Quiz uses 50+ scientifically-vetted variables to accurately determine if you are experiencing skinny fat tissue, what type(s), and where on your body.
Used in harmony with the other Scientific Health Quizzes — including the Scientific Metabolism Quiz, Scientific Diet Quiz, Scientific Exercise Quiz, and Scientific Lifestyle Quiz — you can better your unique health choices and how to be genuinely healthy.
Accounts are free, secure, private, and anonymous. Free Quiz options are available.
Calorie Deficit for Skinny Fat
- Skinny Fat Science: Are Regular Fat and Skinny Fat the Same Thing?, August 26, 2024.
- Britannica: human muscle system, Shane W. Cummings and Robin Huw Crompton (Fact-checked by the Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica.
- Skinny Fat Science: What Is Skinny Fat?, July 26, 2024.
- Skinny Fat Science:: Is Skinny Fat Genetic?, November 27, 2024.
- Skinny Fat Science: How To Fix Skinny Fat, July 27, 2024.
- Fellow One Research: Body Type Test (Quiz) Results 1170 – Body Type Three (BT3) Female (Woman), Generation Z.
- Fellow One Research: Body Type Test (Quiz) Results 1170 – After Weight Loss – Body Type Three (BT3) Female (Woman), Generation Z.
- Fellow One Research: Body Type Test (Quiz) Results 1053 – Body Type Four (BT4) Female (Woman), Millennial (Generation Y).
- DailyMail: Super slimmer, 32, who was left with folds of loose skin after losing nearly 200lbs unveils her transformation after surgery to remove 3ft of excess flesh, Jessica Summers, January 25, 2022.