Are Regular Fat and Skinny Fat the Same Thing?
The popular spiel online and on social media, including too many medical professionals, claims that regular white/yellow fat (1, 2)...
How Skinny Fat Affects Mental Health
Now that we have clarified what skinny fat is and how to fix it in terms of diet, exercise, and...
The Best Skinny Fat Lifestyle, According to Science
The best skinny fat diet is low-carb, and the best skinny fat exercises are walking and weightlifting. So, what is...
How Skinny Fat Affects Metabolism
People consistently ask me how skinny fat affects metabolism. Is a skinny fat metabolism different than a regular metabolism? What...
The Best Skinny Fat Diet, According to Science
Having scientifically clarified how to fix skinny fat, what is the best skinny fat diet, according to the latest science? The...
What is Skinny Fat?
Skinny fat is a very popular phrase that is widespread across the internet, especially on social media. At present, it...